Brian, known to his readers as "Lappstastik," is a vibrant force in the world of internet marketing, publishing, and front-end design. Based in the heart-stirring landscapes of Ontario, Canada, Brian’s creativity flourishes with his love for the great outdoors. When he's not chasing the thrill of a downhill ski or feeling the rhythm of a new web design, he's crafting digital strategies that turn the online world on its head.
A father, entrepreneur, and self-proclaimed "funjineer," Lappstastik brings a blend of expertise and genuine zest to the table. His writings are a journey through the multifaceted world of digital marketing, embellished with the spices of his various passions. Whether it's the latest trends in SEO, the melodies that inspire his designs, or tales from his exhilarating adveures, his words resonate with energy and insight.